About Abut Kebudi, MD

Prof. Dr. Abut Kebudi

Abut Kebudi MD, FACS, FEBS (Hon)

Prof. Kebudi graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine in 1981. After completing his general surgery residency in Istanbul University in 1988, he worked as a general surgeon in Sisli Etfal Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, where he recieved his associate professor degree in 1998. He worked as a visiting professor in University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Harbor hospital for oncological and breast surgery. Prof. Kebudi worked also at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Breast Surgery Unit.  He was elected as an active Fellow of American College of Surgeons (ACS) in 2006. He is a member of the Turkish Federation of National Breast Societies and also a member of board of governors at MAYMET. Prof. Kebudi is the second vice-president and executive director of SENATURK and executive board member of South-East European Chapter of EURAMA (European-Asian Society of Breast Diseases). He has worked as the Head of General Surgery Department In Maltepe University Medical Faculty for 12 years.

He still continues to his career in Okan University Medical Faculty.